Remember always the wheat and tares. Jesus gave that story which is deeper than you think. He was explaining things people today wonder about. God is the gardener, the master, who told His servants to leave the tares to grow up with the wheat, lest they uproot the wheat while pulling the tares.
Not only do the tares look much like the wheat and growing side by side, their roots are in the same soil and by pulling them too soon could loosen the soil and destroy the shallow roots of the wheat, not giving the wheat time to grow and set down strong roots. By harvest time, the wheat will be so deeply rooted that pulling the tares will not destroy them.
Why does the believer need the adversary? A true believer will see the difference and cause them to grow deeper into the faith. God's people have always needed the opposition in order to see the line drawn in the sand. The more clearly they see that line, the more they pull away from it and the tighter the relationship with the Father. We can see the evil on the other side of the line, hopefully clearly enough to walk away from the evil on the other side.
The Lord does not want us ignorant. He wants us to see that line. It gives us clear choices in the life. The closer we come to the end of this church age, the bigger the tares and easier to see the numbers and where they are. It also causes a division; there are tares in the church.
My first real experience with a tare was when I married one and lived with oppression for 7 years which helped me understand what Lot was going through. Then in the mid 90's I got my first taste of what was to come. Not so far from me, a 12 year old and a couple of his friends murdered his grand parents because they wouldn't allow him to bring beer into their home. Then around the same time our favorite retired doctor had to shoot and kill his own son who was trying to break down his bedroom door to kill his father. Then not so long after, a mass murder in a school by one of the students.
People would ask 'how can this be? What happens to these people to make them act that way"? And my answer is simple; they are not one of us, they are demonic, they are tares. I know you've asked the same questions in the past, the same thoughts: it seems they are not human at all! Well, that's the truth in some cases and in others it is demonic.
Can a true believer be forced by evil to commit murder? Can a true believer be forced by evil to steal? to lie? to rape?...The answer is no. Not if a washed in the blood believer.
You've read it in the Bible that the life is in the blood. Not long ago, the Holy Spirit told me 'He is in the blood." Then as I pondered that He said again "He is in ALL blood"...I began to see the significance of Jesus' blood and why He had to come through a particular blood line in order for Him to manifest as a human. It had to be untainted blood. NOT messed with, not tainted by the fallen ones. It's God's bloodline. Once Jesus is accepted, your blood is changed if it were tainted. It is changed to blood God recognizes as His own. You heard that old time song 'are you washed in the blood'...there's a high significance in that song. If you have truly accepted Jesus as your Lord, your blood is changed and on top of that, spiritually you are covered in His blood and guess who cannot cross that blood.
As a child, I always wondered why my grand parents, before a trip in the car anywhere, would pray over the car and ask it to be covered in the blood. It seems to 'dramatic', so 'old fuddy duddy', so 'silly' to me. Now I understand. You know my grand parents never had a wreck? The blood of Christ was pled over EVERYTHING! The house, the food, the cow, their kids......
Jesus said he came to 'perfect' the law. I understand now what He meant. Through His blood, the law is alive and working. In other words, instead of stone tablets, the law flows through your veins and you are covered in it.
"I plead the blood of Christ over this car" sounds so mortal and way too simple but in truth, it is an act of faith which pleases God. You will NOT have a wreck in a car covered by the blood. Your house will NOT be invaded while it's covered in the blood. You can walk into anything as long as your path is covered in the blood. Do not waste that blood on things or people wrongly. Such as 'lay hand on no man suddenly'. What does THAT mean? It means don't cast your pearls before swine. His name and His blood are the same thing. Don't use it in vain.
We have come to the time when the tares (which look just like the wheat until grown) have grown taller than the wheat and easier to recognize. You are to be a peculiar people...totally apart from the tares. Just as Jesus said to satan himself 'tempt not the Lord' it also means using wisdom and discernment. You don't walk into a pit of vipers unless the Lord has prepared you and sent you. To do so is to waste your time and His and possibly your life but if He sends you, there is a harvest waiting and worth the trial to come. You are to be as harmless as a dove but wise as serpents. Keep your eyes open but do not fear the evil that is in this world